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Class Descriptions
Introductory Package

Those with no previous Pilates experience are required to complete the introductory package before attending Group Reformer Sessions.



What to Expect:

At Training Coreters we strive to bring the best out of our students, therefore it is imperative that our new students begin by building a solid Pilates skill base. By providing an intimate setting for new students to become familiar with the reformer machine, learn basic movements, proper form and breathing techniques, we set our students up to excel and get the most out of their Pilates experience.

Athletic Group Reformer Classes

A challenging, full body workout with emphasis on mindfully initiating all movements from your inner core for maximum results. Instructors awaken your mind and body through movements that will increase strength, flexibility, and balance.

Private Sessions

Our private sessions are focused solely on the individual needs of your body. Knowledgable instructors will program your sessions with movements that cater to your body in order to more efficiently meet your fitness goals. 

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